Serve on a Selection Committee

Many national scholarships require that students be nominated or endorsed by a university committee before they can submit their application materials to a national organization. Review and selection committees are a vital part of our scholarship process. Students at Mines are fortunate to have numerous exceptional faculty and staff devoted to our cause. Committee members spend time reviewing applications, engaging with candidates in interviews, and providing insightful feedback to assist in the selection process. Committee work for a nationally competitive award tends to be quite rewarding, as it is a chance for faculty to come together and see how the educational experiences Mines is fostering are putting outstanding students on a path to do incredible things.

Please let us know if you would like to serve on one or more of our faculty panels. The Office of Nationally Competitive Scholarships has review committees for Fulbright, Goldwater, and U.K. Graduate Scholarships (i.e. Rhodes, Marshall, etc.), among others.

The time commitment of service on a selection committee is minimal and usually involves spending 2-3 hours per student in application review and support. Most committee members work with 1-3 students per year. If you’re interested in serving on a committee, contact Ashley Weibel at 

Service Timelines: 

  • Fulbright U.S. Student Program: September annually (2-6 hour commitment)
  • U.K. Graduate Scholarships: September annually (2-6 hour commitment)
  • Goldwater Scholarship: December/January annually (5-7 hour commitment)
  • Other committees: As needed (i.e. Truman, Udall, etc.)
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As Colorado School of Mines prepares for our 150th anniversary in 2024, dynamic and disruptive change is all around us. MINES@150 is our plan to position Mines for future success.

It calls for change, but also to stay true to our timeless mission, pillars and core values.  MINES@150 leverages our size, location, and history, ensuring that our graduates will continue to be distinctive and highly valued, placing Mines at the frontiers of STEM education, research and innovation, and elevating our status among the world’s top universities.