Location: McNeil 313

Date & Time: April 10th, 4-4:50pm

Presenters: Ashley Weibel, Mines Goldwater Scholars

The Goldwater Scholarship recognizes sophomores and juniors who are committed to pursuing a career in STEM research, and who show the potential to be leaders in their respective fields. During this event, Ashley Weibel, Assistant Director of Undergraduate Research Scholars and Nationally Competitive Scholarships, will provide an overview of the Goldwater Scholarship and discuss how to craft a compelling application. The session also features a panel of previous Mines Goldwater Scholars who will share their firsthand accounts of the application process and the transformative impact of the Goldwater Scholarship on their academic and professional trajectories. Attendees will walk away empowered to take the first steps toward becoming a successful Goldwater applicant.

Goldwater Scholarship Panel and Information Session

Affiliation to Mines